Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The many hats of Farley

Fostering a special-needs cat sometimes is a little hard on the heart. As a foster "mom" to Farley, I am witness to unconditional love constantly and it's hard to not fall in love a little more each day.
I hope that one day he will find his perfect home that will take him as he is.

In the meantime, enjoy these pictures:

Monday, February 1, 2010

The Ruthless Goats

We had a great turnout for the 'Goats for Cats' benefit at the Iron Post last Saturday. The Iron Post was very gracious to host an event for us and 'The Ruthless Goats' were amazing!

We raised quite a bit of money for our spay/neuter program and all the money goes directly to help Champaign's homeless animals.
In addition to the money that was raised at the door and donated by people attending the event, Neil Culpepper from Kane and Company (41 East University / (217) 359-2424) donated several gift certificates for us to give out for people who donate $25 or more. We have a few left, so if you would like one, we'll have them for the event we're having at Mike and Molly's on February 27. We're lucky to have such wonderful people support our work. If you are interested in having Neil make you beautiful, there is more information about him on his website.

And it's the beginning of the month, so CATsNAP cats are back in the Petsmart adoption center. They started to arrive this morning and we have several adult cats and a few kittens who are all ready for their forever homes!