This Saturday was 'National Homeless Animals Day' and several rescue groups and members of the
Central Illinois Animal Welfare Coalition were at the Market to raise awareness of the problem of pet overpopulation in Champaign County.

CATsNAP was there bright and early with Annie, our 3-year old beagle who is still looking for a home. We talked to several people about volunteering and there were several people who had questions about the adoption process.

Our table was right next to the
Northern Illinois Samoyed Assistance. The two dogs pictured are Mark and Matmu who are just beautiful, laid back dogs. They were great with all the attention they received from people and other dogs.

CARE Center made up this fantastic board in addition to a few others signs they had promoting spay/neuter and facts about puppy mills.

Overall, the weather was great and everyone was able to talk to lots of people about helping animals in the community.