A big 'thank you!' to everyone who helped sell Community Day packets at Bergner's this last Saturday. Everyone had a good time, including the cats who all showed well. We were able to talk to lots of people about our program, and meet several people who have recently adopted cats from us.
We had the pink stroller at the event, and I wheeled Miss Megan Marie around the store. She is a beauty. Unfortunately, all of my stroller pictures came out blurry, but I did get a few others that came out well:

We had the fabulous Hello Kitty who is always a hit, posing with Megan Marie.

Beautiful Jermaine loved all the attention he received.

Of course, we had Ian. How is he still a Catsnap cat??? He's handsome, healthy, super friendly and and all around wonderful cat. I may be a bit partial, but I think he's just about perfect.