Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A big thanks to Bergner's!

On Saturday, August 22nd, CATSNAP attended the Bergner's Kids Fest. We brought only a sampling of the cute kitties that are available through our program. Miss Catsnap also made an appearance, boy does she get around! Here's a couple of pictures from our event.

A reminder that for the month of August we have some of our cats and kittens up at Petsmart.

We have a big adoptathon in a couple weeks at the Champaign Petsmart, September 12 & 13.

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Some of you may remember Dusty, the injured Siamese kitten (if not, see previous posting). He fell from a high distance and ended up have a life-threatening hernia and a broken leg. After 2 surgeries, he healed really well. We are happy to report Dusty is newly neutered and was adopted into his forever home yesterday!! YAY!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

National Homeless Animals Day

This Saturday was 'National Homeless Animals Day' and several rescue groups and members of the Central Illinois Animal Welfare Coalition were at the Market to raise awareness of the problem of pet overpopulation in Champaign County.

CATsNAP was there bright and early with Annie, our 3-year old beagle who is still looking for a home.   We talked to several people about volunteering and there were several people who had questions about the adoption process.  
Our table was right next to the Northern Illinois Samoyed Assistance.   The two dogs pictured are Mark and Matmu who are just beautiful, laid back dogs.  They were great with all the attention they received from people and other dogs.  
The CARE Center made up this fantastic board in addition to a few others signs they had promoting spay/neuter and facts about puppy mills.  
Josie is available for adoption through Illinois Doberman Rescue Plus.  

The Champaign County Humane Society also had a booth at the Market.  Unfortunately, I did not get pictures of their table.  

Overall, the weather was great and everyone was able to talk to lots of people about helping animals in the community.  

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Still Waiting....

Illini football season is almost here and Annie is looking for a tailgating partner.   She and Josie are still very patiently waiting for homes.  Annie was spayed at the U of I last week and did really well after her surgery. 

Here is Josie smiling for her close up.  These two girls never stop wagging their tails - they are just such happy dogs.  
And of course, we have a bunch of amazing cats and kittens at Petsmart.  We'll be in the adoption center until the end of the month.